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Welcome to Christian History

Typically, when someone says Christian History the immediate train of thought is on a timeline of the organizational and theological divisions within the church. The Great Schism and the Protestant Reformation dominate the narrative. While these are watershed moments in Christian History that must be acknowledged, we run the risk that they overshadow other amazing narratives of God's work in Christendom and the world. We have a desire to see and celebrate some of these other grand narratives. In doing so, we can honor all of God’s work.

Examples include:

Christian Music History – ex. George Frideric Handel, St. Gregory
Christian Health and Medical History – ex. The Red Cross, Florence Nightingale
Christian Justice History – ex. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Christian Education History – ex. American Christian Universities
Christians in War – ex. Desmond Doss, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Christians in Literature – ex. Charles Dickens, C.S. Lewis, Henri Nouwen
Christians in Politics – ex. Constantine

If you are passionate or a key stakeholder regarding any of these topics, please join our community at, Join our forum.

welcome.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/19 10:15 by admin

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